
都普勒雷射測速儀的光源使用6W的氬離子雷射激發器(最新的測試值為全功率7.7W輸出),在激光器產生光源後,將其導入一系列的光學鏡片分光取出Green(5145A)及 Blue(4880A)兩道光束,分別作 X軸及Y軸的光束量測。在過去,LDV 系統應用於二通路內流場之速度量測,並配合測試區域的旋轉,開發出旋轉即時(Real Time)同步的量測技巧(請見摘要)。近年,用以量測池沸騰熱傳之氣泡速度 (Bubble Velosity)及氣泡頻率Bubble Frequency。

Local heat transfer and velocity measurements in a rotating ribbed two-pass square channel with uneven wall temperatures

S. S. Hsieh, Y. S. Wang and M. H. Chiang
Journal of Heat Transfer, Transactions ASME v.119 n.4 Nov 1997 ASME pp. 843-848
Experimental data from both heat transfer experiments and LDV measurements in a rotating two pass oppositely rib-roughened square channel with uneven wall temperatures are extensively studied. Coriolis-induced secondary flows are shown to enhance local heat transfer over the trailing/leading surface in the first/second pass compared to a duct without rotation. Centrifugal bouyancy is shown to influence the heat transfer response with heat transfer being imposed on both leading and trailing surfaces as the wall-to-bulk fluid temperature difference is increased with other controlling parameters fixed. Further, LDV measurements verify the present and previous heat transfer measurements with and without rotation.